Umberto La Torre, Costa Concordia: un abbandono nave anomalo. Tra regole (disattese) e salvataggio della nave

DIRITTO E POLITICA DEI TRASPORTI (ISSN 2612-5056), I/2022, p. 1 – 15


Costa Concordia: an anomalous ship abandonment. Between rules (disregarded) and ship rescue.  

The break-up of the “chain of command” of the bridge team of the Costa Concordia cruise ship, which sank on 13 January 2012 on the rocks off the island of Giglio, remains an issue that has not been fully clarified or addressed in the various levels of justice. The judges’ attention has focused almost exclusively on the highest court. Charges were filed against those who, in the shipboard hierarchy, should have (art. 293 c. nav.) replaced him and taken command of the ship. The crew remaining on board the Costa Concordia made up, in some way, for the absence of the captain and the impossibility of alternation ex lege.