DIRITTO E POLITICA DEI TRASPORTI (ISSN 2612-5056), II/2019, p. 174 – 196
Abstract. Mantaining and promoting high social levels as an objective of the EU aviation strategy. The keys that make up the so-called “aviation strategy for Europe”, elaborated by the European Commission in a Communication in 2015, and the evaluation of the same performed by this Community institution in 2019, constitute the central object of the present analysis. The author of the same, after performing a critical approach to both documents, as well as the Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee in 2015 on the social dumping in the European civil aviation.sector, considers it necessary that a stronger community institutional action in this field will be accompanied by an effective exercise of the social dialog in the sector. This last action will require not only the activation of the Civil
Aviation Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee, but also the development of processes of social dialog and collective bargaining in a multilevel perspective: sectoral, undertakings and at the level of groups of undertakings.